
The application's profile database can be exported into a backup file, which contains the following:

  • Keys
  • Charsets
  • Custom key icons

Backing Up Your Keys

  1. Open Settings > Backup/Restore menu.
  2. Click on the Backup button and save the file.

Restoring Your Keys

Please note that restoring from a backup will OVERRIDE all of your profile database. Due to the possibility of a gap between the time of the backup and the restore, any modifications made after the backup file was created may be lost. Therefore, it's best practice to create a backup before performing a restore operation.

For restoring from a backup:

  1. Open Settings > Backup/Restore menu.
  2. Click on the Restore button.
  3. Select your backup (.kb) file and confirm the restore.

All backup files are signed with your master password. If your current master password does not match the backup's signature, the application will display a warning. You can still restore from a backup with a different signature, but the generated passwords will not be the same as the backup source.